The story of Louis and Ping®

Friday, September 29, 2006

What a happy week

Well, few good things happened and going to happen(I wish) recently...

1. I've got my PR... finally.
2. My dear and I earned 300 dollar just in 2 days, from the stock market... and it's still rolling... Cool~
3. My colleague gave me a package of "wedding sweets", so cute and nice... wanna show-off to Ling tonite, hehe...
4. Next week, we're all going back to kuching... it has been a long time since we came to here. Miss everyone there so much. We just managed to go back for 3-4 days, took 2 days annual leaves + weekend. Really have to thank Ling and Howe Tian, if wasn't for their engagement, we might have to wait till Chinese New Year. Thank you and congratulations to them.
5. Ohya, Natas fair STARTED today~! Planning to go tmr and grab some freebie or gift + look for some really cheap tour packages or maybe cruises for this year end.
Let's c wat I'll get tmr. Ling and Howe Tian planned to go Taiwan or Korea, but I prefer Japan and China... where do u prefer, dear?
Opps... almost forgot to call "Hai Ba Wang" restaurant to make reservation. It always FULL during special occasions, hopefully there's still seat for us... hmm... do I have to reserve the big CRABs too... haha, u bet.

Monday, September 25, 2006


又吵架了, 我们. 已经是第二次吵得那么严重了...

开始只是小事, 可是他一点诚意也没有, 最后当我小姐脾气的瘾一上来, I'm sorry, 太迟了... 任他劝, 哄, 道歉... 就是不妥协.
后来他也受不了了, 开始和我对骂, 越骂越火...大数对方的缺点, 什么旧帐都翻出来了...
当然也吵不出个所以然... 没办法下, 他又只好认错了...
可是气头上的我哪听得进去? 我也知道自己有错, 但被他骂得这么凶... 哪里咽得下这口气? 更何况是他有错在先嘛... 我坚决要分手, 分房睡... 他不肯, 又把房门堵住, 那只好将就下我睡床他睡地了(半夜他想摸黑爬上床? 还是被机灵的我一脚给踹下去了... 哈哈)

隔天, 他请我吃pizza hut, 说什么分手了也可以重新追求... 死缠烂打的逗我笑...
明知我最吃这招了... 不一会儿, 我就忍不住气笑了, 原谅他了... 过后, 他说不敢再用"硬"招来对付我了... 毕竟我是吃软不吃硬的嘛!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm bored

Time is passing like snail... I'm sick of my work... really boring... when can I go off?
Again, nothing much happened today... just testing this stupid system + catching bugs...
I really feel like wanna shout out loud "wat the f***" (haha... too rude isn't it? but that's how I feel right now)
Luckily weekend is around the corner, else I will gone crazy...
Is there anything else I can do? help me~ save me~ haha... just give me a gun to kill myself...

well, something interesting found, I googled with my name... found a girl with the same name as me, in Spore!!! Hoho... she's younger than me, just started to work... she sound quite happy in her blog... alots of friends... cool... hmm, I'm happy for her, really. Too bad can't load her photos, abit curious abt how she'd look like?

oh... wait... another one... M'sian... just secondary school, getting 8As in here SPM... congratulations :-) !

hmm... mayb there's still more... coz it found 48,000 records in googles... lazy to continue searching, anyway, knowing that there r lots(assuming since more than 2) of "me" living in this world, really cool... amazing... I'm not alone, u c...

still got 30 more mins to go... happy... get back to work 1st...

and u, after reading this... dun try to google with ur name, haha... that's really boring... idiot!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm confused...

recently, I've been asking myself that wat kind of future do I really want?
er... I've no idea, maybe I should start to plan for the coming 5 to10 yrs 1st.
my sister and my brother in law to be are planning to get their Master degree, which I found out few days ago... I was kinda shocked~ only realize that I'm lost(for quite some times...)!!!
I duno whether I still very keen in programming or not(OMG~ I'm doubting abt my profession)... Undeniable, IT world is changing super fast... it becomes more and more difficult for me catching up new skills. Is this the so called "bottleneck"?
I'm tired, mentally... maybe this isn't the right job for me... I've been pushing myself alot. Plus, not really getting along well with my "new" colleagues... I'm not sure whether it's due to different racial, nationality or just culture... to conclude, I hate my current situation, yeah, damn it... :-p
Well, wat I'm dealing with is just only coding, debugging (although they gave me the title of Application Specialist) furthermore, I'm only allowed to touch the front-end, which I've been doing for the past 2-3 yrs. I wanna try something else... more abt analysis, architecture stuff, more back-end design... very sick with the jsp, javascript, struts, action bean, form bean, blah blah blah... all r just the same, not even challenging...
ok, fine, if this company dun provide me with opportunities, there'll always be another company. I applied for Spore PR few weeks ago, once I'm qualified... definitely I'll start hunting for a new job... so, hopefully I can hear from the immigration soon...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm NOT afraid to sleep alone... just afraid of darkness

well, little louis is oncall tonite... needless to say, baby ping will have to sleep alone...
she is not afraid of being alone... just not feeling comfortable in the darkness, she'd imagine that "something" might be hiding "somewhere" in the darkness...
Always thinking of getting a small table lamp, so that she won't have to switch on the light all nite long, that's a waste of electricity(izzit brighter consumes more electricity?). According to an article, certain level of brightness will reduce the quality of sleep... but who cares if she can't even fall asleep, right?
the room is too big for one person... so is the bed, king size somemore... miss little louis very much. Duno whether he got the chance to sleep for few hours or not... tmr still have presentation (wat kinda hospital like this? damn it!)

...... hmm... tired, it's time to go to bed... nite nite, dear little louis!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


最近... 不, 应该是little louis开始工作后, baby ping 时时刻刻都会想起那段浪漫的澳洲之旅... 每每那些幸福温馨的片段总是一声不响的自动在脑海里播放...重覆着... 这些片段总是神奇的让baby ping不自觉的傻笑...即使是难过的时候, 被little louis惹恼的时候, 它们的偶然出现也会让心情变好 :") ... (又来了... 傻笑ing)

等了2年半, 那苦涩的远距离恋爱终于结束了, 漫长的等待是值得的... 他们就要开始一个每天都可以见到对方的新生活... 对于未知的未来, 他们带着既期待又怕受伤害的心情勇往直前... 不管有多少的ups and downs... 都会一起面对! 所以, 那一个月的假期... 是补偿也是奖励.

那整个月, 可以用无忧无虑, 逍遥自在来形容也不为过... 一切的人事物都让他们留下美好回忆, 毕竟这种体验是难能可贵, 绝对新鲜的, 尤其对baby ping 来说... 有时手牵手走在little louis生活了7年的街道上, 吃着他常吃的nando's chicken wings, 逛他常逛的supermarket... baby ping 也会激动... 因为一切的一切都和little louis 有关, 就像融入他的世界一样... 能不感动吗?

而且他们还共同体验了很多的"第一次"... gold coast 的sea world, movie world, wild wild wet, 冲浪... sydney的渡轮, 著名但不是特别好吃的chicken pie, 龙虾意大利面... great ocean road...可爱的koala bear, kangaroo, wombat... dolphin... 太多太多了... 还有那难忘的Kookaburra, 抢了我的cheese还会"狂笑"... 怪可怕的...
当然, 还有赌场... baby ping只对老虎机情有独钟哦... 那种不费脑力, 纯靠运气的游戏最得baby ping欢心了...

little louis: 那有什么好玩的? 一点都不能控制结局...
baby ping: 但是紧张刺激呀~ 你永远不会知道下一轮你会不会中大奖... 如果真的赢了... 就证明自己真的很好运... 不用绞尽脑汁的想着怎么赢... 轻轻松松的不好吗?
little louis: er... 我还是玩我的blackjack吧... 祝你好运.... :-)
baby ping: 以后你会给我钱玩老虎机吗? 在我老的时候...
little louis: er... 会... (但要看情况吧... 总不可能你运气不好然后把我整副身家输光光吧)
baby ping: 真的? 我好爱你哟... 老公...
little louis: hehe... (冒冷汗ing...)

呵呵... 希望以后还能去别的地方旅行... 留下更多的美好回忆于心中... 留下更多的足迹于世界...

Monday, September 18, 2006


yesterday nite, baby ping decided to cook dinner for little louis, they went to supermarket to buy the ingredient...
on their way back home, the plastic holder of the eggs(which carried by baby ping) accidentally scratched her leg...

baby ping : Ouch~ it hurts!
little louis : wat happened?
baby ping : sob sob... it's bleeding... (sound more serious to gain little louis's attention)
little louis : haha, luckily it's not me fault... else certainly u will scold me...
baby ping : (SHOCKED!!!) Is this wat u think at the 1st place?
little louis : er... er... let me c c... I help u to carry...
baby ping : no need! no need! U really disappointed me... hate u!!! hate u!!! hate u!!!
(she just want to know whether little louis cares abt her... so simple, yet so hard for little louis)

Friday, September 15, 2006


幸福很简单... 醒来睁开眼就看到自己心爱的人还睡在身旁, 看着他无辜的睡脸, 长长的睫毛(男生干嘛长这么长呀?)微微的动了动, 听着他平稳的呼吸声, 偶尔还会打个小呼... 可爱得不得了 :-) 再偷偷香一个, 然后在他的怀里找个好位子继续睡... (虽然他常埋怨每每醒来, 手臂都麻痹了! 她才不管呢, little louis 就是不能明白baby ping 要的幸福就只是这样赖着他... )

这几天baby ping 和 little louis 一起拿了假, 没去什么地方旅行, 就只是待在家里休息, 悠闲得很, 顺便庆祝911这个纪念日(都3年了... 真快). 而且上个礼拜他连续3个oncall, 有够累的... 是应该好好的给他照顾照顾一下 hehe...

爱睡觉的两人, 每天早上(er... 算中午吧...)都睡到自然醒, 精神也特别好. 一起用过午餐还能手牵手逛街... 真是超幸福的啦! 自从little louis工作以后, 他都好忙哦, 不忙时都好累... 更不用说还有心情陪baby ping逛街啦, 这次little louis主动提议, 她简直高兴死... 再请她看部cartoon片, 她就真的满足了... 这几天也没乱发脾气, 对他千依百顺的... 对吗, little louis? ;-p

Thursday, September 07, 2006

依然范特西 - 周杰伦 Jay Chou

Still fantasy... yes, Jay Chou's a legend... he's one of baby ping's favorite idols. Just can't deny that he is really a talented singer with cool personality. Most Importantly, little louis is his super fan, so, wat little louis likes, baby ping likes... cool yeah?

Jay's new album will be released tmr, baby ping oredi planned long ago to buy for little louis as a gift of their 3rd anniversary of 911. So excited, can wait to see how surprise he will be... he's gonna love it... :-)

very touch yeah? Hehe... baby ping oso hope that little louis will accompany her on that day, and, dun keep playing computer game or watch tv or reading or watever(as long as not talking to her, not playing with her... ) \(^o^)/

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

One last song

Yeah~ baby ping finally found this song and can hear it everyday in the mp3 player. It was the the 1st love song that little louis send to her thru yahoo messenger when they just started dating... This song is really romantic, ok, at least for her.

Recently, she being day-dreaming about little louis singing this song for her on their wedding(so romantic, isn't it?)

Especially this part, her favorites...
I love you way too much, to wanna be the one who brings you down...

baby ping: only my loved one can bring me down, u know? And yes, that's u!... *shy*

"One Last Song"
Take my hand, touch my face
Let me feel your embrace
Let me see in your eyes
That you won't say goodbye
Just tell me how you feel
I don't know what you're thinking anymore
And if you need me, you'd kiss me
Then tell me how you feel
And if you want me, you'd show me
That your love is for real
And if you love me
You'd hold me in your arms where I belong
So while I'm feeling strong
I sing you one last song
Let me ask time has passed
Do you feel this could last
If you don't, why then stay
Take your wings, fly away
I love you way too much
To wanna be the one who brings you down
And if you need me, you'd kiss me
Then tell me how you feel
And if you want me, you'd show me
That your love is for real
And if you love me
You'd hold me in your arms where I belong
So while I'm feeling strong
I sing you one last song
One last song I sing for you
Like I always did
This time it's for real
I never come to you like this
Expecting you to turn my kiss
Oh no no no no no
And if you need me, you'd kiss me
Then tell me how you feel
And if you want me, you'd show me
That your love is for real
And if you love me
You'd hold me in your arms where I belong
So while I'm feeling strong
I sing you one last song
Oh yeah
I sing you one last song
I sing you one last song

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

baby ping sick again...

baby ping's health becomes so poor after came to Spore... this is oredi the 2nd times.
miss little louis very much... everytime baby ping sick, little louis always can't stay by her side and take care of her? ... so disappointed...

little louis: hehe... y u look like very relaxing at home... is it u pretend to be sick?
baby ping: no no no, I am really sick, very sick, just pretend to be ok, so u wont be too worry abt me...
(but little louis never believes baby ping)

baby ping will never forget the very 1st time little louis take care of her when she was having fever... it was too funny! baby ping told little louis that she is allergy to painkiller(actually is "bufen")... then he gave her Aspirin(which still contain bufen), so... her face swollen... haha... and it took abt 2 days to get back to normal. Anyway, she still very happy as little louis told her that, "no matter how u look like, I still love u... just like always~" and kissed her... so sweet... :-)

... in the end, baby ping want to tell little louis that, girls are really easy to be pleased... dun u agree?

Friday, September 01, 2006

There's something that money can't buy...

Dear little louis,

I want to tell u that, money is not everything(although without it, life will be miserable too). We oredi have enough of it, dun use all ur time to earn money for me(Coz money is not wat I want, I want u to accompany me, talk with me, play with me...) I know u want to make our life better, to ensure our future, but I need to tell u that, it's not making me happy now(useless to talk abt future if we r not going to have one)...
I love u, u r No.1 in my heart(just same level with my family), but I dunno where is my position in ur heart... after ur family, after u, after ur money or even ur frenz? U always have time for them but not me...

u claimed that u r bz... tired... but a single sms or call wont take u much time(have u ever think of me just like I think of u?)... u can spare time to do that for me last time(u should be bzier that time), y not now?

I miss u very much... really much...

baby ping