The story of Louis and Ping®

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Beginning of Little Vader's Era (By Lord Vader)

Naughty "Kah Yang" prefered to enjoy his weekend inside, so I still have to go office on Monday :-( . My boss thought that I was able to help her to settle some assignments before I go on maternity leave, haha. Who knows in the evening, Dr.Han advised us to admit to hospital at midnight and she would like to induce the BB due to unforesee event.

We took photos together while "Kah Yang" still inside my womb. I even enjoyed my last scoop of ice-cream since I will be forbidden for a mth after giving birth.
Almost 12 midnight, taken the very last photo with Howe Tian, then Yee and I departed to Raffles Hospital...
At 6:33 AM 16-12-2008, "Kah Yang" was born, with "Angel's Kiss" on his forehead... hehe...
Who do you think he resembles?
Took with maternal grandma...
Took with paternal grandma...
With Aunty Ling(er yi) and Uncle Howe Tian(er jiu er yi zhang)...
With Aunty Chin (xiao yi)...
With Chiau Yew koko and Ming Hui jia jia (since not yet married)... hehe

Saturday, December 13, 2008


快受不了了啦~ 和我孕期相同的同事Grace, 在2天前已经生下她的BB, 而我的BB还不想出来... 真是磨人的小家伙呢! Dr. Han说如果我这个星期还没生, 就得回去工作, OMG, 我已经让妈妈她们过来陪我了... 这么能丢下她们在家呢? (当然我也不想这个时候回去工作的啦~)

现在BB已经有3kg了, 长得很快, 连妊娠纹也长出来了, 每天都很累, 心情也很坏... 我是越来越没耐性了... 而且越大就越难生嘛... 开始有怕怕的感觉了...
