The story of Louis and Ping®

Monday, October 23, 2006

OT days... tired but happy...

Last week was a bz week, I have to work OT for the whole week. I wasn't upset by the heavy workload, instead I was touched by wat little louis did.

little louis: u have to OT tonite?
baby ping: yaya... u eat by urself ok? I will go back by taxi...
little louis: no, it's quite dangerous... I'm worry...
baby ping: wont be lah... spore is safer...
little louis: .... when will u finish ur work? I come to "fetch" u...
baby ping: dun want lah, it'll be quite late... I want u to go home (at woodlands) and rest earlier...
little louis: nvm, I want to come... I go bedok to find u... (at novena now)
baby ping: but I can only leave the company not earlier than 9pm...
little louis: ok, I go take my dinner 1st, then wait for u outside ur company... deal!
baby ping: okok... give me a call when u arrive... (touched x 1)

baby ping: (THINKING) *hmm... y so late still no call? ... nvm, I continue my work...*

baby ping: (THINKING) *hmm... mayb I should give him a call...*

doo doo... doo doo... (baby ping calling little louis)

little louis: hello? u havn't done? I oredi waited outside... (dint sound like losing patience)
baby ping: er?? I tot u will give me a call when u arrived? okok, I off my pc now...

(hurry hurry switch off pc and leave office...)

baby ping: wat time u arrived? (saw little louis sitting on the floor besides the guard house)
little louis: abt 30 mins ago...
baby ping: huh? y don't u call me hp? (touched x2)
little louis: I tot u'll come out at 9pm... nvm, let's take taxi home...
baby ping: ok... wat is that? u tapao? u havn't have ur dinner? (saw the tapao)
little louis: nope, I finished them...
baby ping: u finished them here? outside of my office? (look at him with watery eyes, touched x3)
little louis: hehe... I tot I might be late, so just tapao here to eat while waiting for u...

really touched isn't it? baby ping gave little louis a hug and said "I love u"... *shy*

After that, everyday of that week, he came to "fetch" her back from OT... so sweet of him...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

c'est la vie


Find it meaningful, wish to share with everyone whoever read my blog... especially to those workaholic... haha...

p/s: "c'est la vie" means that's life in french... (just in case u might... er... happened to be not knowing it)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Thanks God for bringing us together...

While waiting for my new assignment... there's nothing much I can do. All the bugs were cleared, I'm really impressed by myself hehe. So, I just surfing around and check my yahoo and hotmail, which I dint login for almost 1 mth... amazing, isn't it? Just too lazy to online at home, after been staring at the screen for such a long hours in the office.

Again, when it comes to those emails that little louis sent to me, the pointer just automatically click on them. I have to admit that I really enjoy reading them, repeatedly, every sentences and words r the witness of our love, though some of them r quite stupid and funny. Anyway, I'm glad that we kept them(hmm... just too bad few of them were missing).

Nowadays we dun email each others anymore, mainly bcoz we r living together and oso quite bz with our works. However, I do hope that there's something we can do to keep every memory(no matter sweet or bitter) that we can refresh back in the future or even showing to our children, grand-children. That's the purpose of this blog, the story of us and our love...

Although now, I keep it to myself without letting little louis know... hehe, I'm gonna show him one day(hope soon), when we get married... as a gift to him :-)

Dear, to be in love with u is one of the most wonderful thing that happens in my life... u know? *shy*

Thursday, October 12, 2006



女人說分手,隻是真的愛你!隻是太在乎你!隻是你的一些微妙變化讓女人恐慌!讓女人心不安!隻是女人想弄明白你是否還愛着她? "

总觉得这段话很有道理, 所以就post上来了... 当然男人可以参考, 前提是你必须很肯定她是不是还爱着你... 不然, 分手就只是分手而已...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


baby ping: when can we retired?
little louis: when we r financially independent...
baby ping: when will it be? till we have 1 million?
little louis: hmm... maybe.
baby ping: then we only can go traveling by that time?
little louis: nolar, we can go Japan in March next year.
baby ping: but... I thought we r suppose to go Japan for honeymoon...
little louis: can go Japan 1st, honeymoon we go Europe.
baby ping: cannot ler, go Japan need S$5000 for 2 person... it's too expensive...
little louis: ohya hor...
baby ping: we go cruise 1st, ok?
little louis: ok...
baby ping: then honeymoon go Japan...
little louis: ok...
baby ping: then we go Europe when we retired, ok?
little louis: ok...

money money money... when will we have enough of u or when will we feel enough?

Monday, October 09, 2006


讨厌... 又回到新加坡了(也不是说讨厌这里... 只是很想念Kuching, 想待久一点嘛...)
很想花多点时间陪家人, 但是这次的行程太赶了, 连朋友都来不及聚聚... 不能看到大着肚子的好友, 有点遗憾... (好想摸摸哦~~)

还有, Ling订婚了, 说不羡慕是骗人的. 不过, 我不懂我和Yee是不是也已准备好进入另一个阶段... hmm... 还太早吧? Ling他们可是拍了9年的拖... 小巫见大巫... 呵呵~

哦, 对了, 我支持的Alonso在日本站得第一了, YEAH YEAH ~~ 看着他手舞足蹈的样子和在上海站的苦瓜脸... 真是个直性子的人... 心情都写在脸上了... 真可爱! 一家欢喜一家愁, Schumi几乎是跟这季冠军无缘了... 其实我并没有很讨厌Schumi, 只是我眼里只能容纳一个冠军... 那就是Alonso. 所以, Schumi, 你就看开点吧, 长江后浪推前浪呀...

p/s: 老公啊, 你就别难过了, 还是早点加入我的行列吧... 呵呵 p(^o^)q

Monday, October 02, 2006

Fernando Alonso

昨天F1在上海站开跑, little louis和baby ping都很兴奋的在支持自己喜欢的车队(看电视啦, 不是现场... hehe).

little louis: 当然是车神Michael Schumacher会赢啦... 他都要退休了...
baby ping: 屁啦~ 我说Fernando Alonso赢定了, 他排位赛得第一耶!
little louis: Alonso是蛮厉害的年轻车手... 可能以后Schumacher退休, 我就和你一起支持Alonso...
baby ping: 好吧... (满意ing)

刚开始还好, Alonso一直领先, 虽然Schumacher(车的性能好罢了)一辆一辆的超车. 可是到了中场, Alonso的车好像出现问题, 速度慢了下来... 到最后还被那可恶的Schumacher超车了... Alonso好可怜哦, 他真是我看过最年轻, 最有实力也最拼的车手了... 最感动的是那段2个Renault联手对付Ferrari时, 不让Schumacher超车. 好感人哦~~

现在只剩最后两站了, Alonso的压力一定很大吧... 上海站的失败是个很大的打击. baby ping希望Alonso可以坚持到底得到最后的胜利... Schumacher的时代应该结束了, Alonso会做得比他更好...

期待日本站, Alonso会带来惊喜... Good Luck!!

p/s: 虽然不是长得帅, 但是很可爱, 很老实, 很腼腆的一个大男孩 ;-)