Our angel is a girl!
After almost 1 hour++ of waiting, while yee was about to lose his patience, finally it was my turn.The main reason y we were willing to spend more money and choose this blood sucking private hospital is to minimise the waiting time. who knows?
Ok, time for 3D scanning. Dr Tony showed us BB's brain, hands, fingers, legs... then suddenly he asked "oh, want to know BB's gender?" We were so surprised that BB's gender could be revealed so early, only 13weeks ler. Definetely we wanted to know. But wait, we were not prepared. "Is a girl!" Then I looked at yee who stood beside me and repeated "is a girl wor".Atfer few seconds of pausing, yee said, "girl also good". "Do you have any preference?", Dr Tony should ask this question before he told us the gender right? Anyway, it wont make a difference, just sooner or later.
Honestly, I felt a little bit disappointed (sorry, BB, mama shouldn't have this feeling on u!). Yee ever told me that he prefers boy long long time ago before we married. For me, I know I will sayang my BB no matter is gal or boy, of course lar, I contribute everything ler, the most that yee contributed is just a string of hair only... haha. However, I think I also prefer boy more as I really want to have a super mini version of yee (yee is considered as mini) and can accompany me while his daddy oncall (I really scared to sleep alone ler!).
My friend told me that, to be able pregnant is already a blessing, so, I really shouldn't be so demanding. Just wish that our little angel will be healthy, papa mama love u very much.
Labels: Baby