The story of Louis and Ping®

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Our angel is a girl!

18th June, I took 2 hrs time off and went tO Raffles Hospital with Yee. Nervous but excited. Nervous as in BB needs to go through down syndrome checkup (First Trimester Screening), excited as in it's reunion time.

After almost 1 hour++ of waiting, while yee was about to lose his patience, finally it was my turn.The main reason y we were willing to spend more money and choose this blood sucking private hospital is to minimise the waiting time. who knows?

Ok, time for 3D scanning. Dr Tony showed us BB's brain, hands, fingers, legs... then suddenly he asked "oh, want to know BB's gender?" We were so surprised that BB's gender could be revealed so early, only 13weeks ler. Definetely we wanted to know. But wait, we were not prepared. "Is a girl!" Then I looked at yee who stood beside me and repeated "is a girl wor".Atfer few seconds of pausing, yee said, "girl also good". "Do you have any preference?", Dr Tony should ask this question before he told us the gender right? Anyway, it wont make a difference, just sooner or later.

Honestly, I felt a little bit disappointed (sorry, BB, mama shouldn't have this feeling on u!). Yee ever told me that he prefers boy long long time ago before we married. For me, I know I will sayang my BB no matter is gal or boy, of course lar, I contribute everything ler, the most that yee contributed is just a string of hair only... haha. However, I think I also prefer boy more as I really want to have a super mini version of yee (yee is considered as mini) and can accompany me while his daddy oncall (I really scared to sleep alone ler!).

My friend told me that, to be able pregnant is already a blessing, so, I really shouldn't be so demanding. Just wish that our little angel will be healthy, papa mama love u very much.

This is to measure the thickness of the neck to ensure the BB dun suffers down syndrome.


Monday, June 09, 2008



在老公的努力之下(几乎准备了1年的时间), 还有宝宝的保佑之下(也来沾点光... 呵呵), 老公第一次就PASS了MRCP Part I. 终于卸下心头大石, 可以休息一下了! 原以为会失败的老公, 从KL回来后还是一直复习, 想说如果FAIL了, 九月份还有一场在新加坡.

不是我老刘卖瓜, 自卖自夸... 我老公真的不是一个简单人物. 除了有过人的毅力, 因为每天除了要应付老婆我无时无刻的干扰(一空闲就要找他玩)和诱惑(骗他一起看电视), 还有不可思议的恒心, 几乎每天都风雨不改的争取每分每秒来读书, 甚至放假也不例外. 当然老公的脑袋更是不用说啦!

夸张的是几天前, 我在房间竟然发现有MRCP Part II的课本呢! 未免也太拼了吧~ -_-

Thursday, June 05, 2008

我 . 怀 . 孕 . 了

话说... 3月中, 我的胃口突然变大, 变好. 旧同事也纷纷开起玩笑说肯定是怀孕了. 那时听了还满心欢喜的回家告诉老公. 老公算了算, 好像真有那么一回事, 恰巧月事也迟了几天. 就在我逼着老公买验孕棒的那几天(因为节俭的老公说要很肯定才验, 不然很浪费钱), 月事, 它竟悄悄的来了. 失望之余, 我们免不了开始担心起不孕的问题. -_-

经历过高兴-->期待-->失望-->担忧的3月份, 4月份我为了适应新工作环境, 而老公忙着准备考试, 怀孕的事也就渐渐淡忘了. 4月尾, 胃口开始变差, 以为是工作压力, 后来发现连闻到油烟味也很反感. 老公以为我这放羊的小孩又想占他便宜(因为上次我假借怀孕之名, 骗吃骗喝, 外加家务让他帮忙), 敷衍我再等等呗!

5月初老公终于买了验孕棒回来. 迫不及待的我隔天一大早就摸黑溜进厕所试. 哇, 不到一分钟, 那神奇的两条线就出现了!!! 我立刻把睡梦中的老公摇醒, 让他也看一看. 那一刻, 除了那Surprise的表情, 我仿佛也看见老公露出一丝男人骄傲的微笑... 呵呵!


5月中, 因为老公要到KL考试, 所以我们一家大小上京赴考, 希望像米粒般大小的BB可以保佑爸爸考试顺利... 呵呵! 5月15日, 从KL一回来, 我们就到妇产科挂号. Dr. Han说BB已经7.5Weeks, 可以听到心跳了. 果然, 她用Ultrasound一照, 真的看到了BB在子宫里, 还听到像"万马奔腾"的心跳声. 那一刻, 我们才放下心来, BB是健康的哦, 预产期是12月29日, 还好赶得及是金鼠宝宝.

看到那小不点吗? 就在Preg Sac里头哦!


6月5日, 第二次产检, 又照了ultrasound, BB又长大了, 也长出了手脚... 最令我们雀跃的是, 我们竟目睹了BB在羊水中跳跃了好几次, 似乎在为我们一家又见面了而高兴, 实在是太可爱了! Dr. Han说BB已经11.5Weeks了, 预产期又提前到12月23日了, 似乎想和我们一起过圣诞节呢!

Dr. Han把心跳也记录下来给我们呢!


回想起来, 我的早孕过程还算不错了, 没有严重的Morning sickness (所以新公司的同事都还不知道), 只是胃口变差了点(只能少量多餐, 好像吃更多呢!), 偶尔头晕晕(只能躲在厕所偷睡, 呵呵), 超累(每天10点不到就想睡觉). 最重要的是, 老公对我非常好(或许是对BB好吧?), 知道我怀有BB后, 每天买牛奶, 豆奶, yogurt, 木瓜囤在冰箱, 更是常带我去吃好料(虽然我胃口不好, 但美食当前, 还是吃得下)... 晚上还会对BB说一些话, 搞笑的话... 哈哈... 真的很幸福, 老公和我终于有自己的宝宝了!
